内容推荐 本教材以章节的形式综述半个多世纪以来“第二语言习得”理论的发展与研究:既较全面、详尽地介绍了语言习得理论的创立、儿童母语习得过程研究、二语/外语教学理论的探索以及二语课堂教学实践等领域的研究成果,又综合、客观地论述了认知学、心理学、社会文化等领域的研究成果对第二语言习得探究与发展所贡献的跨学科视角与观点。 本书第二版在增补21世纪第二语言习得领域研究成果的基础上,新增三个章节,论述听、说、读、写四项语言基本技能的综合培养和各单项技能训练的课堂实践与分析。 本教材适合高等院校英语专业本科生、研究生以及中小学英语教师学习和使用。 目录 Chapter 1 Introduction: Key Concepts and Issues in SLA 1.1 Language Acquisition and SLA 1.2 Some Definitions of SLA 1.3 Some Structural Characteristics of SLA 1.4 The Literature on the Theories of SLA 1.5 A Theoretical Approach Proposed by Spolsky 1.6 A Five-staged Model of SLA by Gass 1.7 Theoretical Applications to L2 Teaching and Learning 1.8 Some Distinctions in the Field of SLA Research 1.9 Conclusion Chapter 2 Views on Language, Learning and Learner 2.1 Views on the Nature of Language 2.2 Views of the Language Learning Process – L1 Versus L2 2.3 Views of the Second Language Learner 2.4 Conclusion Chapter 3 An Introduction to Language Acquisition 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Developmental Patterns in L1 Acquisition 3.3 The Controversy Between Behaviorist and Mentalist Models 3.4 Developmental Patterns in L2 Acquisition 3.5 Conclusion Chapter 4 Recent History of SLA Research 4.1 Introduction 4.2 The Early Studies on Language Acquisition (to 1960s) 4.3 The Following-up Studies in the 1970s and 1980s 4.4 The Recent Studies on L2A (beyond 1990s) 4.5 Conclusion Chapter 5 The UG Approach to Language Acquisition 5.1 Introduction 5.2 UG for Language Acquisition 5.3 Arguments from L1 Acquisition 5.4 What Does UG Consist of 5.5 Evaluation of UG-based Approaches to SLA 5.6 Conclusion Chapter 6 Cognitive Approaches to SLA 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Two Main Groups of Cognitive Theorists 6.3 Processing Approaches 6.4 Connectionism 6.5 Theories of L2 Processing 6.6 Evaluation of Cognitive Approaches to L2 Learning 6.7 Conclusion Chapter 7 Some Other Perspectives on SLA 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Functional Perspectives on L1 Learning and SLA 7.3 Functionalist Contributions to an Understanding of SLA 7.4 Sociocultural Perspectives on SLA 7.5 Sociolinguistic Perspectives on SLA 7.6 Conclusion Chapter 8 Input, Interaction and Output in SLA 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Input and Interaction in L1 Acquisition 8.3 Input and Interaction in SLA 8.4 Output in SLA 8.5 Theorizing Input, Interaction and Output Research 8.6 Feedback, Recasts and Negative Evidence in SLA 8.7 Evaluation: the Scope of Interactionist Research 8.8 Conclusion Chapter 9 Varied Perspectives on Interlanguage 9.1 An Introduction to Interlanguage 9.2 Social Aspects of IL 9.3 Discourse Aspects of IL 9.4 Psycholinguistic Aspects of IL 9.5 Conclusion Chapter 10 L2 Teaching Approaches from CLT to TBLT 10.1 The Distinction of Language Teaching Approaches and Methods 10.2 The Communicative Approach and CLT in SLA Studies 10.3 The TBLT and TBLL in SLA Studies 10.4 Conclusion Chapter 11 The SLA Research on Teaching Four Language Skills 11.1 The Connection of Four Language Skills and Language Work 11.2 Receptive Skills and Productive Skills Among the Four Language Skills 11.3 Integrating the Four Skills in a Language Classroom 11.4 Balancing and Integrating the Four Language Skills 11.5 Pedagogical Principles and the Four Language Skills 11.6 Conclusion Chapter 12 An Introduction to Teaching Four Language Skills 12.1 A Framework of CC Integrating the Four Skills 12.2 Teaching L2 Listening 12.3 Teaching L2 Reading 12.4 Teaching L2 Speaking 12.5 Teaching Writing 12.6 Conclusion Chapter 13 Researches on L2 Classroom Practice (I) 13.1 Introduction 13.2 An Introduction to the History of L2 Teaching Methods 13.3 Cross-language Competition Between L1 and L2 13.4 Some Methods Used in L2 Classroom Research 13.5 Data Collection and Data Analysis 13.6 Conclusion Chapter 14 Researches on L2 Classroom Practice (II) 14.1 Direct Involvement of Classroom Interaction Research 14.2 An Introduction to Classroom Interaction 14.3 Types of Language Use in Classroom Interaction 14.4 Turn- |