内容推荐 《陕西:中华文明的肇始之地》是“故事里的中国”系列丛书的开篇之作,该丛书由教 育部 中外语言交流合作中心联合新航道国际教育集团共同策划,中、英、美三国专家联袂编写,围绕“风物、习俗、艺术、人物、成就、精神”六大主题,呈现中国 34 个省级行政区的风貌,彰显中华文化的博大精深、多姿多彩。本书通过50个特色鲜明的陕西故事,展现陕西上下五千年的人文历史和发展成就,帮助中外读者走进陕西,了解陕西,进而构建可信、可爱、可敬的中国形象。 目录 I. Cultural Icons of Shaanxi 4 Introduction 6 Zhougong Temple: A Symbol of the Virtues Throughout the Millennia 10 Terracotta Warriors: The Eighth Wonder of the World 13 Wuzhangyuan: A Plain Remembered for Immortal Faith and Commitment 17 Dayan Pagoda: Master Xuanzang and His Pilgrimage Westward 20 Guanzhong Academy: Where the Guanzhong School Endures 24 Qinling Mountains: Burning a Plank Road 28 Lishan Mountain: King You Tricking His Lords with Beacon Fires 32 Huashan Mountain: A Peak with Breathtaking Precipitousness 36 Hukou Waterfall: The Flow That Inspires the Yellow River Cantata 40 Pagoda Mountain of Yan’an: A Lighthouse of the Chinese Revolution 43 Bell Tower of Xi’an: A Legend of Trapping a Sea-Turtle
II. Customs of Shaanxi 48 Introduction 50 Biangbiang Noodles: A Fantastic Dish with a Fantastic Name 54 Guokui Flatbread: A Wartime Ration of Old 57 Chinese Chili Oil: The Soul of Shaanxi Cuisine 61 Paomo: Served in a Big Bowl with a Warm Heart 64 Oversized Bowls: Filled with Shaanxi People’s Hospitality 66 Handkerchiefs as Headwear: A Blossom on Women’s Heads 69 Single-Slope Rooftops: A Water-Saving Architectural Style 72 Not Marrying Outsiders: Parental Love for Shaanxi Girls to Be Married 74 Preference for Squatting: A Life Style Unique to Shaanxi 77 Shaanxi Opera: Singing the Enflamed Passion of Shaanxi People
III. Unique Arts of Shaanxi 82 Introduction 84 Shaanxi Opera: The Revival of an Ancient Art …… |