内容推荐 本书作者是美国教授罗伯特·弗兰克。多年来,经济学家罗伯特·弗兰克一直在鼓励他的学生提出有关他们在日常生活中遇到的难题和奇怪事件的问题,并试图用经济学来解释它们。在这本书中,他分享了最有趣,最奇怪的问题以及回答这些问题的经济原理,以揭示为什么日常生活中许多最令人困惑的部分实际上具有完美的经济意义。 目录 Acknowledgements Introduction 1 Rectangular Milk Cartons and Cylindrical Soft- Drinks Cans: The Economics of Product Design 2 Free Peanuts and Expensive Batteries: Supply and Demand in Action 3 Why Equally Talented Workers Often Earn Different Salaries and Other Mysteries of the World of Work 4 Why Some Buyers Pay More Than Others: The Economics of Discount Pricing 5 High Heels and School Uniforms: The Divergence of Social and Self-Interest 6 The Myth of Ownership 7 The Biggest Dog Wins the Bone: Decoding Marketplace Signals 8 The Economic Naturalist Hits the Road 9 First Come, First Served: Psychology Meets Economics 10 The Quest for Love and Money: The Informal Market for Personal Relationships 11 Two Originals Parting Thoughts Notes Index |