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内容推荐 自由撰稿人妮可·帕特森和她的演员男友,以及男友的兄弟们去看道奇队的比赛时,她最不希望看到的是记分牌求婚。说“不”并不是最难的部分——他们才约会了五个月,他甚至不能正确拼写她的名字。最难的是要面对满是失望球迷的体育场…… 作者简介 JASMINE GUILLORY is a lawyer, a graduate of Wellesley College and Stanford Law School, and a Bay Area native who lives in Oakland, California. She has been published in The Toast and The Hairpin, has towering stacks of books in her living room, a cake for every occasion, and upward of fifty lipsticks. She is theNew York Timesbestselling author ofThe Wedding Date,The Proposal,The Wedding Party,Royal Holiday, andParty of Two.Visit her online at jasmineguillory.com and twitter.com/thebestjasmine. 目录 《THE PROPOSAL》无目录 |