内容推荐 《中国共产党的一百年:英文版》分为“新民主主义革命时期”“社会主义革命和建设时期”“改革开放和社会主义现代化建设新时期”“中国特色社会主义新时代”四卷。 《中国共产党的一百年:英文版》集政治性、思想性、权威性、学术性、可读性于一体,是全国迄今为止公开出版的读物中,全面系统反映中国共产党历史时间跨度最长、内容最系统最完整的一部党史正史著作。 《中国共产党的一百年:英文版》的出版发行,为全党全社会学习党的历史提供了权威教材,为建立党史学习教育常态化长效化制度机制提供了重要基础,也为全党全国各族人民奋进新征程、建功新时代,以实际行动庆祝党的二十大胜利召开,营造了良好氛围。 目录 The New-Democratic Revolution Chapter Ⅰ The Founding of the Communist Party of China and Its Involvement in the Great Revolution 1.Explorations by Various Forces Seeking Rejuvenation for China in Modern Times The Principal Contradiction Facing Chinese Society in Modern Times and the Historic Task of National Rejuvenation Significance and Limitations of the Revolution of 1911 2.The May 4th Movement and the Spread of Marxism in China The Rule of the Northern Warlords and the Growth of the Working Class The New Culture Movement and the Influence of the Russian October Revolution on China The May 4th Movement: From Old- to New-Democratic Revolution The Spread of Marxism in China 3.The Founding of the CPC and Its Original Aspiration and Mission Establishment of Early Communist Party Organizations and Their Activities The First CPC National Congress and the Establishment ofthe Party Spirit 4.Formulation of the Program of Democratic Revolution and the Worker and Peasant Movements The CPC's Second National Congress and the Formulation of an Anti-Imperialist and Anti-Feudal Program of Democratic Revolution An Upsurge in the Workers'Movement and the Initial Development of the Peasant Movement and Other Revolutionary Movements 5.Preparations for the First Period of Cooperation between the KMT and the CPC The Third National Congress of the CPC and the Establishment of KMT-CPC Cooperation A New Revolutionary Landscape and the Fourth National Congress of the CPC 6.The Rise of the Great Revolution The May 30th Movement and the Unification of the Guangdong Revolutionary Bases Activities to Restrain and Oppose the CPC by the New and Old KMT Right-Wingers and the Concessions of CPC Leaders 7.The Northern Expedition and the Rise of the Worker and Peasant Movements The Victorious March of the Northern Expedition The Rise of the Worker and Peasant Movements in Hunan, Hubei, and Jiangxi CPC Efforts to Advance Party Building and Expand Its Organizations 8.The End of KMT-CPC Cooperation and the Failure of the Great Revolution Alliance of the Imperialist Powers and the KMT Reactionary Clique …… Socialist Revolution and Development Reform, Opening Up, and Socialist Modernization A New Era of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics |