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书名 | 形而上学(英文版)(精)/世界学术经典 |
分类 | 人文社科-哲学宗教-西方哲学 |
作者 | (古希腊)亚里士多德 |
出版社 | 上海译文出版社 |
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简介 | 内容推荐 《形而上学》是古希腊哲学家亚里士多德创作的哲学著作,创作于公元前4世纪。《形而上学》共14卷。书中探讨了哲学对象和研究范围;对一些哲学术语做了释义;分析批判了以前的哲学家思想,重点批判了柏拉图的理念论;阐明了作者的实体、质料和形式等理论。《形而上学》阐发了一种学说,这种学说有时称为智慧,有时称为“第一哲学”,其任务是描述实在的最普遍、最抽象的特征,以及普遍有效的原则。《形而上学》奠定了亚里士多德在哲学史上的地位。正是亚里士多德使“形而上学”这个名词成为哲学上的一个含义丰富的专有名词。 作者简介 亚里士多德(公元前384年-前322年),古希腊哲学家,柏拉图的学生、亚历山大大帝的老师。他的著作几乎涵盖所有学科:物理学、形而上学、诗歌、戏剧、音乐、生物学、动物学、逻辑学、政治、以及伦理学,被称为古代文化史上一位百科全书式的科学家。他的思想更成为中世纪基督教和伊斯兰经院派哲学的支柱,在人类发展史上产生了深远影响。 目录 导读 CONTENTS INTRODUCTIONS TO PHILOSOPHY I.Book Alpha:THE THEORY OF EXPLANATION 1.The Development of Theoretical Knowledge 2.The Nature and Goal of Wisdom 3.Early Views of Materials, Movement, and Good 4.Inadequate Uses of Material and Efficient Factors 5.Pythagorean and Parmenidean Principles 6.Platonist Material and Formal Explanations 7.Explanation as Material, Efficient, Formal, and Final 8.Critique of Early Philosophies 9.Critique of Doctrines of Ideas 10.Conclusion of the Historical Survey of Explanations II.Book Alpha the Less: REMARKS ON PHILOSOPHIC PROCEDURES 1.Progress in Philosophic Knowledge 2.Rejection of the Infinite Regress 3.The Importance of Training in Method III.Book Beta:TYPICAL PROBLEMS IN GENERAL PHILOSOPHY 1.An Outline of Philosophic Problems 2.Problems of Unitary Science and Varied Being 3.Problems of Genera as Principles of Explanation 4.Problems of Forms, Principles, and Unity 5.Problems of Bodily and of Mathematical Being 6.Problems of Ideas, Power, and Universality THE PROVINCE OF PHILOSOPHY IV.Book Gamma: BEING AND KNOWLEDGE 1.The Science of Being as Being 2.The Unity of Philosophy 3.Philosophy and the Axiomatic 4.Debates about Contradiction 5.Perception, Change, and Truth 6.Right Judgment and Relativity 7.Intermediates and Excluded Middle 8.Contradiction and Futile Indiscrimination V.Book Delta: DEFINITIONS OF TERMS 1.Beginning 2.Explanatory Factor 3.Element 4.Nature 5.Necessary 6.One 7.Being 8.Primary Being 9.Same, Other, Different, Alike 10.Opposite, Contrary, Other in Kind 11.Before and After 12.Power 13.Quantity 14.Quality 15.Relation 16.The Complete 17.Limit 18.According To, By Itself 19.Disposition 20.Habitude 21.Endurance 22.Privation 23.To Have and Hold 24.To Come From 25.Part 26.Whole 27.Mutilated 28.Genus 29.The False 30.The Accidental VI.Book Epsilon: FIRST PHILOSOPHY AND IRRELEVANT WAYS OF BEING 1.Theoretical Sciences as Natural, Mathematical, and Theological 2.Exclusion of Accidental Being from Science 3.The Genuineness of the Fortuitous 4.Exclusion of Being as the True from Science BEING AND BECOMING VII.Book Zeta: THE SEARCH FOR PRIMARY BEING 1.Primary and Dependent Being 2.Diverse Views of Primary Being 3.Subject Matter as Primary Being 4.Definition and Integral Concepts 5.Definition and Difficult Dependent Concepts 6.Definition, Knowledge, and Objects 7.Clues in Natural and Artificial Production 8.Matter and Form Combined in Objects 9.Conditions of Types of Change 10.Definition, Analysis, and Form 11.Definition and Forms Not Easily Recognized 12.Definition and Fundamental Characteristics 13.Universals as Common Qualities 14.Universals Not Independent 15.Universals, Definition, and Knowledge 16.The Highest Universals 17.The Problem of the Unity of the Individual VIII.Book Eta: THE UNITY OF MATTER AND FORM 1.Matter and Change 2.Differentiating Characteristics and Individuality 3.Alleged Mediations Between Matter and Form 4.Emergence of Specific Objects and Events 5.Difficulties in the Logic of Change 6.The Unity of the Individual Explained IX.Book Theta: POWERS AND OPERATIONS 1.Active and Passive Power 2.Non-Rational and Rational Power 3.Power and Change 4.Power and Possibility and Impossibility 5.Juxtaposition of Complementary Powers 6.Antithesis of Power and Act 7.Conditions of Potential Being 8.Priority of Act to Power 9.Estimates of Power and Act 10.Truth and Being X.Book Iota:UNITY AND DERIVATIVE CONCEPTS 1.Unity as Individual and Measure 2.Unity and Being as Definit |
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