progressive [prə'gres.ɪv] adjective GRADUAL 逐渐的 ADVANCED ■developing or happening gradually 逐渐的;渐进的•There's been a progressive decline in the standard of living over the past few years.最近几年的生活水准每况愈下。 •a progressive disease慢性病 [prə'gres.ɪv] adjective MODERN 先进的 ADVANCED ■describes ideas or systems which are new and modern, encouraging change in society or in the way that things are done (指思想或体制)进步的,先进的•progressive ideas/attitudes进步的思想 •The left of the party is pressing for a more progressive social policy.该政党的左派人士敦促实行更加进步的社会政策。 •a progressive school实行渐进式教学的学校 [prə'gres.ɪv] adjective TAX 税 ■describes a tax system in which the rate of tax is higher on larger amounts of money 累进(税)的 [prə'gres.ɪv] adjective GRAMMAR 文法 ■describes the form of a verb which is used to show that the action is continuing. It is formed with the verb 'be' followed by the present participle -ing form of the verb (动词)进行式的•'He's working hard at the moment' is an example of the present progressive form of the verb 'work'.He's working hard at the moment 是动词 work 的现在进行式的一个例子。 •'I was eating when the phone rang' is an example of the past progressive.I was eating when the phone rang 是过去进行式的一个例子。
[prə'gres.ɪv] noun countable ■a person who supports new ideas and social change, especially one who belongs to a political party 支持进步政策者;改革派人士 Compare reactionary |