内容推荐 语言的学习需要同时用到我们的左脑和右脑。人类的左脑管理语言能力,右脑管理图像等方面的信息。只有把左脑和右脑同时利用起来,才能更有效地学好一门语言。英语学习也不例外。 本书列举出英语学习过程中常用的99个句型,每个句型作为一个小节进行讲解。首先把构成句型的每个部分拆分出来进行说明,然后在句型的省略处根据不同的场景给出相应的单词或词组,每个单词或词组都配有趣味插图,帮助读者更好地记忆背诵。这种图片和文字相结合的方式就是大大利用了人类左脑和右脑的功能,左右脑相结合才能更直观、更快速地熟悉英语句型表达,英语学习才能达到事半功倍的效果。 作者简介 文坛悦,韩国教育电视台《英语角》节目主讲老师。擅长将原本枯燥的英语和娱乐结合起来,寓学于乐。著有《Hello!我的本英文会话书》《Hello!我的本英文语法书》《Hello!我的本英文日记》等语言学习书。 目录 一 省略处加上动词就可以了! 01 Do you ever...? 02 Don't forget to... 03 Don't you dare...! 04 Don't bother to... 05 I'm about to... 06 I'm here to... 07 I'm ready to... 08 I'm supposed to... 09 I'm willing to... 10 I have to... 11 I used to... 12 I wanted to... 13 How could you...? 14 It's better to... 15 That's what I... 句型练习 二 省略处加上动词就可以了! 01 I didn't mean to... 02 I can't wait to... 03 I have nothing to... 04 I need you to... 05 I told you to... 06 I was going to... 07 I wish I could... 08 Is it okay to...? 09 What am I gonna...? 10 What do you...for? 11 You don't have to... 12 You don't want to...! 句型练习 三 省略处加上动词就可以了! 01 You might want to... 02 You might as well... 03 All you gotta do is... 04 Do you want me to...? 05 I think I'm going to... 06 I would like you to... 07 What is it like to...? 08 Why do I have to...? 09 You are the one who... 10 I was wondering if you could... 11 Would you care for something to...? 12 Would you mind if I ask you to...? 句型练习 四 省略处加上名词就可以了! 01 There is / are... 02 Help yourself to... 03 I'm really into... 04 It depends on... 05 What's with...? 06 What is...for? 07 What is...for? 08 You must be... 句型练习 五 省略处加上动名词就可以了! 01 I can't help... 02 I feel like... 03 It's worth... 04 It's no use... 句型练习 六 省略处加上名词就可以了! 01 Have you been to...? 02 I forgot to bring... 03 I'm getting used to... 04 I've had enough of... 05 There is nothing like... 06 How could...do that! 07 I thought it was... 08 I would give anything for... 09 Do you have any...available? 10 I'm not really happy with... 11 I feel bad about... 12 I've been thinking about... 13 I'm in the middle of... 句型练习 七 省略处加上过去分词就可以了! 01 I should have... 02 I shouldn't have... 03 I would have... 04 I wouldn't have... 05 I could have... 06 I couldn't have... 07 I might have... 句型练习 八 省略处加上形容词就可以了! 01 I'm getting... 02 I'm totally... 03 You can't be... 句型练习 九 省略处加上句子就可以了! 01 I think... 02 In case... 03 What if...? 04 Let's say... 05 I can tell... 06 It's like... 07 It seems that... 08 It's just that... 09 No offense, but... 10 The thing is... 11 You know what?... 12 What on earth...? 13 I don't know... 14 You never know... 句型练习 十 省略处加上形容词或句子就可以了! 01 You are not that... 02 You have no idea how... 03 I don't know why... 04 I don't know if... 05 It turns out that... 06 What I'm saying is... 07 I'll let you know if... 08 Are you sure...? I'm sure... 09 Do you mind if...? 10 What do you say...? 11 How did you like...? 句型练习 Answers |