释义 |
inflection (UK also inflexion) [ɪn'flek.ʃən] noun GRAMMAR 文法 ADVANCED countable ■a change in or addition to the form of a word which shows a change in the way it is used in sentences 屈折成分;屈折变化•If you add the plural inflection '-s' to 'dog' you get 'dogs'.在 dog 这个词后面加上复数的屈折成分 -s,就成为 dogs。 (UK also inflexion) [ɪn'flek.ʃən] noun SPEECH 言语 countable or uncountable ■the way in which the sound of your voice changes during speech, for example when you emphasize particular words 语调的抑扬变化•His voice was low and flat, with almost no inflection.他的嗓音低沉平淡,语调几乎没有甚么变化。 |