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书名 中文言语幽默与<不>礼貌话语的语用研究(英文版)
分类 人文社科-文化-民族/民俗文化
作者 曹莹
出版社 武汉大学出版社
曹莹,武汉轻工大学外国语学院讲师,硕士生导师,西悉尼大学语言学博士,澳大拉西亚幽默研究学会AHSN成员,在European Journal of Humour Research发表论文2篇,在《翻译与文化》发表论文1篇,与多位国际知名学者共同编著Routledge Studies on Asia in the World,主持或者作为成员参与省、校级研究项目多项。多次参加幽默与语言学国际会议,2017年在加拿大魁北克大学荣获国际幽默协会ISHS颁布的年度“DANNYS”奖学金和优秀青年学者称号。
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 The Scope of This Book
1.2 Research Questions
1.3 A Note on the Transcription Conventions
1.4 A Note on the Terminology Used
1.5 The Structure of This Book
Chapter 2 Conversational Humour: Jocular Verbal Behaviours
2.1 Definitions of Humour
2.2 Theories of Humour
2.3 Linguistic Approaches to Humour
2.4 Humour and Laughter
2.5 Failed Humour
2.6 Humour in Chinese
Chapter 3 Meanwhile in the World of Face and (Im) Politeness
3.1 (Im) Politeness Theory
3.2 Face in (Im) Politeness Theories
3.3 Face and (Ira)Politeness in Chinese
3.4 The Interdependence of Humour and (Im) politeness
3.5 Working Definitions of Aggressive Humour and Non-aggressive Humour
Chapter 4 A Chinese Siteom: Ipartment
4.1 Sitcoms: The Discourse of Fictional Conversations
4.2 An Overview of Chinese Sitcoms
4.3 Corpus
Chapter 5 An Analytical Framework of Humour in Sitcom Discourse
5.1 A Three-stages Model
5.2 Statistical Methods
5.3 Summary
Chapter 6 Risky Laughter: Performing Humour in an Aggressive Manner
6.1 Types of Humour in Ipartment
6 2 "I was joking. You didn't take it personally, right?" Aggressive Humour in Ipartment
6.3 Summary "
6.4 Discussion "
Chapter 7 Is Humour All Aggressive? Performing Humour in a Non-aggressive Manner
7.1 "My depression goes back to when I was eight": Non-aggressive Humour in Ipartment
7.2 Humour at CL1 Only: Failed Humour at CL2
7.3 Humour at CL1 Only: No Humour at CL2
7.4 Humour at Both CL1 and CL2: Unintended Humour
7.5 Humour at Both CL1 and CL2: Successful Humour
7.6 Summary
Chapter 8 Conclusion
8.1 Summary of Major Findings
8.2 Contributions and Implications
8.3 Limitations and Future Studies
8.4 Conclusion




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