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单词 council
释义 council
['kaʊnt.səl] noun countable [+ sing/pl verb]
■a group of people elected or chosen to make decisions or give advice on a particular subject, to represent a particular group of people, or to run a particular organization 委员会;理事会
the United Nations Security Council联合国安全理事会
This play is supported by a grant from the local arts council.这出戏由当地艺术委员会出资赞助。
■the group of people elected to govern a particular area, town or city, and organize services for it (地区、镇、市的)政务委员会;地方议会
Edinburgh City Council爱丁堡市政会
The local council has/have decided not to allocate funds for the project.当地市政会决定不给这项工程拨款。
The town/city council is/are responsible for keeping the streets clean.镇/市政会负责保持街道清洁。




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