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单词 baby
释义 baby
['beɪ.bi] noun countable
■a very young child, especially one that has not yet begun to walk or talk (尤指尚未学会走路或说话的)婴儿,婴孩
a newborn baby新生儿
a six-week-old baby六周大的婴儿
a baby boy男婴
baby clothes婴儿服装
baby food婴儿食品
Sandra had a baby (= gave birth to it) on May 29th.桑德拉在5月29日生了孩子。
Owen is the baby (= the youngest person) of the family.奥云是家中年龄最小的。
■a very young animal 幼畜,幼兽,幼鸟
a baby elephant/monkey幼象/小猴子
■an adult or especially an older child who is crying or behaving like a child 孩子气的人;幼稚的人
It didn't hurt that much - don't be such a baby!不至于那么痛——别像个孩子似的!
■mainly US
■a word you can use when you are talking to your wife, husband or lover 宝贝(对妻子、丈夫、情人等的称呼)
Oh baby, I love you.噢,宝贝,我爱你。
baby carrot/sweetcorn, etc.
■a type of vegetable that is specially grown to stay small 迷你型胡萝卜/玉米等
■Someone's baby is something that they have a special interest in and responsibility for 任务,差事;责任
I don't know much about the project - it's Philip's baby.我不是很清楚这个专案——那是菲力浦负责的。
['beɪ.bi] verb transitive informal
■to treat an older child as if he or she is a much younger child 把…当婴儿般对待;对…娇生惯养
The boys were now ten and twelve and didn't want their mother to baby them.男孩们现在一个10岁,一个12岁,不希望妈妈把他们当作婴儿看待。




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