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单词 cordon
释义 cordon
UK ['kɔ:.dən] US ['kɔ:r-] noun countable
■a line of police, soldiers, vehicles, etc. positioned around a particular area in order to prevent people from entering it 哨兵线,警戒线
There was a police cordon around the building.大楼周围设了警戒线。
UK ['kɔ:.dən] US ['kɔ:r-] verb
  Phrasal Verbs   [M] cordon sth/somewhere off
■If people in authority, such as the police, cordon off a building or area, they put something around it in order to stop people from entering it 设置警戒线将…围起,封锁
They've cordoned off the whole area because of a suspected bomb.因怀疑有炸弹,他们封锁了整个地区。




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