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单词 plunder
释义 plunder
UK ['plʌn.dər] US [-dɚ] verb
intransitive or transitive
■to steal goods violently from a place, especially during a war (尤指战争期间的)掠夺,抢劫,劫掠
After the president fled the country, the palace was plundered by soldiers.总统逃出该国后,士兵洗劫了总统府。
Tragically, the graves were plundered and the contents scattered.不幸的是,那些墓被盗,墓里的东西被弄得七零八落的。
■to steal or remove something precious from something, in a way that does not consider moral laws or is more severe than it need be 骗取;窃取;侵吞,侵占
Someone has been plundering funds from the company.有人在盗用公司资金。
The future of our planet is in danger if we continue to plunder it as we do.如果我们继续像现在这样竭泽而渔的话,地球的未来就岌岌可危了。
UK ['plʌn.dər] US [-dɚ] noun uncountable
■when goods are stolen from a place especially violently or during a war, or these stolen goods 抢劫;抢劫之物
Residents in the villages under attack have been unable to protect their homes from plunder.受到袭击的村民已无法保护自己的家不被抢劫。
The thieves hid their plunder in the woodshed.窃贼们把他们抢劫来的东西藏在了柴房里。
■when something is removed in a way that does not consider moral laws or is more severe than it need be 盗窃;侵吞
We need to put a stop to the plunder of the rain forest.我们要制止对热带雨林的掠夺砍伐。




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