converse noun UK [ˈkɒn.vɜːs/ UK [kənˈvɜːs] US [ˈkɑːn.vɜ˞ːs] UK [kənˈvɜ˞ːs] the converse only singular ■the opposite 相反;反面;相反的事物•In the US, you drive on the right hand side of the road, but in Britain the converse applies.在美国汽车靠右行驶,但在英国却正好相反。 •However, the converse of this theory may also be true.可是,该原理的逆命题也有可能成立。 adjective UK [ˈkɒn.vɜːs/ UK [kənˈvɜːs] US [ˈkɑːn.vɜ˞ːs] UK [kənˈvɜ˞ːs] formal ■opposite 相反的,逆的•a converse effect/opinion/argument相反的效果/观点/论点 verb intransitive UK [kənˈvɜːs] US [-ˈvɜ˞ːs] formal ■to have a conversation with someone (和某人)交谈•She's so shy that conversing with her can be quite difficult.她那么害羞,跟她交谈很难。 |