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单词 completely
释义 completely
[kəm'] adverb
■in every way or as much as possible 完全地,彻底地;十分地
I agree with you completely.我完全同意你的意见。
She's completely mad.她彻底疯了。
He'd completely changed - I didn't recognize him.他彻底变样了——我当时没认出来。
[kəm'] adverb
  Common Learner Errors   completelyWarning: do not confuse the adverb completely with the adjective complete :
My tour of France was a completely disaster.My tour of France was a complete disaster.
[kəm'] adverb
  Common Learner Errors   completelyWarning: Common word-building error!If an adjective ends with 'te', just add 'ly' to make an adverb.Don't write 'completly', write completely.




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