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单词 capable
释义 capable
['keɪ.pə.bl] adjective
■able to do things effectively and skilfully, and to achieve results 有能力的;熟练的;能干的
She's a very capable woman/worker/judge.她是个很能干的女人/很熟练的工人/能力很强的法官。
We need to get an assistant who's capable and efficient.我们需要一个能力强、效率高的助理。
capable of sth / doing sth
■having the ability, power or qualities to be able to do something 有能力做…;能做…
Only the Democratic Party is capable of running the country.只有民主党才有能力治理这个国家。
A force 10 wind is capable of blowing the roofs off houses.十级的大风能吹走屋顶。
When she's drunk she's capable of saying (= likely to say) awful, rude things.她喝醉后会说些难听粗鲁的话。
I think your plan is capable of being (= could be) improved.我认为你的计划还可以改进。
Opposite incapable
['keɪ.pə.bl] adjective
in sb's capable hands humorous
■being dealt with by the person mentioned 由(某人)处理
I'm going away next week, so I'll be leaving everything in your capable hands.我下周要离开,所以我要把一切交给你处理。
['keɪ.pə.bl] adjective
  Common Learner Errors   capableDon't say 'capable to do something', say capable of doing something :
The new receptionist must be capable to deal with customers.The new receptionist must be capable of dealing with customers.




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