chief [tʃi:f] adjective [before noun] MOST IMPORTANT 最重要的 IMPROVER ■most important or main 首要的;最重要的;最主要的•The chief problem we have in the area now is the spread of disease.目前我们在这个地区面临的首要问题是疾病的蔓延。 •The weather was our chief reason for coming here.天气是我们来这里的主要原因。 [tʃi:f] adjective [before noun] PERSON IN CHARGE 负责人 ■highest in rank 最高级别的;首席的•the chief fire officer/accountant消防局局长/首席会计师 [tʃi:f] noun countable ADVANCED ■the person in charge of a group or organization, or the ruler of a tribe 领导人;首领;头目;酋长•a police chief警察局局长 •A new chief of the security forces has just been appointed.刚刚任命了一位新的保安队队长。 •[as form of address] UK humorous Can you sign this form for me, chief?长官,您能给我在这张表上签字吗? [tʃi:f] noun countable too many chiefs and not enough Indians informal ■too many managers and not enough people to do the work 官多兵少;将多兵少;动嘴的多,动手的少 |