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单词 blessed
释义 blessed
adjective /'bles.ɪd] [blest/ formal
■holy 神圣的
Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the Earth.温柔的人有福了,因为他们必承受土地。
■/'bles.ɪd/ literary
■bringing you happiness, luck, or something you need 带来幸福的;带来好运的;带来所需之物的
blessed peace/rain/silence赐福的和平/喜雨/令人愉悦的静谧
a blessed relief令人高兴的解脱
be blessed with sth]blest/ formal
■to be lucky in having a particular thing 幸运地拥有
Fortunately we were blessed with fine weather.幸运的是我们碰上了好天气。
She is blessed with both beauty and brains.她的命真好,既漂亮又聪慧。
■/'bles.ɪd/ [before noun] informal
■an expression of anger (表示恼怒)该死的,讨厌的
Take that blessed cat out!把那该死的猫弄出去!




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