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单词 pluralist
释义 pluralist
UK ['plʊə.rə.lɪst] US ['plʊr.əl.ɪst-] noun countable
■a person who believes that the existence of different types of people, beliefs and opinions within a society is a good thing 多元主义者
UK ['plʊə.rə.lɪst] US ['plʊr.əl.ɪst-] adjective (also pluralistic)
■including or considering many different types of people, with different beliefs, opinions and needs 多元性的,多元化的
A pluralist society allows its members to express their beliefs freely.多元化社会允许人们自由地表达自己的信仰。
We need to take a pluralistic approach to education.我们需要采用多元化的教育方式。




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