wild card noun countable COMPUTING 计算 specialized ■in computers, a symbol that has no particular meaning of its own so that its space can be filled by any real character that is necessary (电脑中的)万用字元,万用字元•The wild cards are represented here by asterisks.这里万用字元用星号来表示。 noun countable COMPETITION 竞赛 ■someone who is allowed to take part in a competition, although they have not qualified for it in the usual way 持外卡的选手•Phillips is hoping for a wild card entry to the championships.菲力浦斯希望得到外卡参加锦标赛。 noun countable NOT KNOWN 不知道的 ■someone or something whose behaviour is sometimes unexpected 无法预言的人(或事物)•The wild card in this election is the Green Party - no one knows exactly how much support they will get.本次选举中无法预料的是绿党——没人确切知道他们会获得多少支持。 |