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单词 wild
释义 wild
[waɪld] adjective
■uncontrolled, violent or extreme 疯狂的;狂暴的;猛烈的
a wild party狂野的派对
wild dancing狂舞
The audience burst into wild applause.观众爆发出热烈的掌声。
When I told him what I'd done, he went wild (= became very angry).当我告诉他我的所作所为时,他暴跳如雷。
The children were wild with excitement (= were extremely excited).孩子们欣喜若狂。
Her eyes were wild/She had a wild look in her eyes (= Her eyes were wide open, as if she were frightened, or mentally ill).她眼睛大睁着,眼中充满惊恐。
His hair was wild (= long and untidy) and his clothes full of holes.他的头发又长又乱,衣服上都是洞。
There have been wild (= extreme) variations in the level of spending.消费水准有着极大的差别。
They get some wild weather (= many severe storms) in the north.北方暴风雨很多。
It was a wild (= stormy or very windy) night, with the wind howling and the rain pouring down.那是一个暴风雨大作的夜晚,狂风怒吼,大雨倾盆。
■very unusual, often in a way that is attractive or exciting 不寻常的;极棒的;非凡的
Those are wild trousers you're wearing, Fi.你穿的裤子可真棒,弗埃。
[waɪld] adjective
■describes plants or animals that live or grow independently of people, in natural conditions and with natural characteristics 野生的;未经栽培的;未经驯化的
wild flowers/grasses野花/野草
a herd of wild horses一群野马
■describes land that is not used to grow crops and has few people living in it 荒无人烟的;未经开垦的
a wild mountainous region荒无人烟的山区
[waɪld] adjective
wild accusation/guess/rumour
■something that you say which is not based on facts and is probably wrong 毫无根据的指控/猜测/谣言
[waɪld] adjective
be wild about sth/sb informal
■to be very enthusiastic about something or someone 对…非常狂热
I'm not wild about Thai food.我对印度食品不是很感兴趣。
[waɪld] adjective
wild horses wouldn't drag me
■If you say wild horses would not drag you somewhere, you mean that nothing could persuade you to go there 任何事情也不能劝说我做…;八匹马也拉不了我回头
Wild horses wouldn't drag me to a party tonight.今晚我坚决不去参加派对。
[waɪld] noun
in the wild
■in natural conditions, independent of humans 在野生环境中
Animals would produce more young in the wild than they do in the zoo.动物在野生环境中的产崽数量要比在动物园里多。
in the wilds (of somewhere)
■in an area which is far from where people usually live and difficult to get to, and that is not considered easy to live in 荒野;偏远地区
She lives somewhere in the wilds of Borneo.她住在婆罗洲荒野中的某个地方。




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