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单词 wavelength
释义 wavelength
['weɪv.leŋkθ] noun countable
■the distance between two waves of energy, or the length of the radio wave used by a particular radio station for broadcasting programmes 波长;(广播电台占用的)频道,波段
I don't know which wavelength the station is on - is it on long wave?我不知道那电台是在哪个波段——是在长波上吗?
['weɪv.leŋkθ] noun countable
be on the same wavelength
■(of two or more people) to think in a similar way and to understand each other well (两人或多人)观点相投,合得来
I can't seem to get on with him - we're just not on the same wavelength.我似乎没法和他相处——我们根本就合不来。




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