bucket ['bʌk.ɪt] noun countable ADVANCED ■a container with an open top and a handle, often used for carrying liquids (有把手的)桶•Armed with a bucket and a mop, I started washing the floor.提着桶和拖把,我开始拖地板。 •I took my two-year old nephew down to the beach with his bucket and spade.我带两岁的小外甥去海滩,他拿着自己的小桶和铲子。 ['bʌk.ɪt] noun countable in buckets informal ■in great amounts 大量地•The rain came down in buckets.天下起了倾盆大雨。 ['bʌk.ɪt] noun countable sweat buckets informal ■to sweat a lot 汗流浃背,大汗淋漓•It was my first interview and I was sweating buckets.那是我第一次面试,我紧张得大汗淋漓。 ['bʌk.ɪt] noun countable weep buckets UK (US cry buckets) informal ■to cry a lot 大哭;泪如泉涌•That was such a sad film - I wept buckets at the end of it.那部电影太令人伤感了——结束时我哭得像个泪人儿似的。 ['bʌk.ɪt] verb Phrasal Verbs bucket down UK informal ■to rain heavily 大雨滂沱•It's absolutely bucketing down.正在下倾盆大雨。 |