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单词 variance
释义 variance
UK ['veə.ri.ənts] US ['ver.i-] noun
countable or uncountable slightly formal
■when two or more things are different, or the amount or number by which they are different 分歧;不同;差异
There has been some unusual variance in temperature this month.本月气温有些异常变化。
I could detect subtle variances in fragrance as we strolled through the garden.我们在花园散步时,我可以闻出不同香味间的细微差异。
countable US legal
■official permission to do something which is not normally allowed 特殊许可
We had to get a (zoning) variance before we could build the extension on our house.我们扩建房屋前必须获得(城市规划)特殊许可。
be at variance with sb/sth
■to be in disagreement with someone or something, or to be different from them 与…有分歧;与…存在差异
Young people's reactions to world events are often at variance with those of their parents.年轻人对国际大事的反应往往与父辈们存在差异。
Most heavy metal fans are under 20 - this is at variance with the age of the bands themselves, who are often over 40.大多数重金属摇滚乐迷年纪都不满20,这与乐队成员的年龄是大不相同——他们通常都已年过40。




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