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单词 useful
释义 useful
['ju:s.fəl] adjective
■effective; helping you to do or achieve something 有用的,有效的;有助益的
A good knife is probably one of the most useful things you can have in a kitchen.一把好刀应该是厨房里最有用的物件之一。
Do the exercises serve any useful purpose?这些练习有甚么用处吗?
['ju:s.fəl] adjective
come in useful UK
■to be useful and help someone to do or achieve something 派上用场,有帮助
You should keep that paint - it might come in useful one day.你应该留着那些油漆——说不定哪天会派上用场。
['ju:s.fəl] adjective
make yourself useful
■a way of telling someone to start being helpful 别闲着
Now you're here you might as well make yourself useful - there's a lot of clearing up to do.既然你来了,那就别闲着——有很多清理工作要做。
['ju:s.fəl] adjective
  Common Learner Errors   usefulWarning: Common word-building error!Adjectives which end in the suffix -ful have only one 'l'.Don't write 'usefull', write useful.




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