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单词 understand
释义 understand
UK [ˌʌn.də'stænd] US [-dɚ-] (understood, understood)
 ESSENTIAL  intransitive or transitive
■to know the meaning of something that someone says 理解;明白;懂得
She explained the whole idea again, but I still didn't understand.她把整个想法又解释了一遍,但我还是不明白。
Is there anyone here who understands Arabic?这儿有人懂阿拉伯语吗?
I think he was phoning from a pub - it was so noisy I couldn't understand (= recognize) a word he said.我想他是在一个酒吧里打的电话——那头太吵了,他说的话我一个字也没听清。
 ESSENTIAL  intransitive or transitive
■to know why or how something happens or works 弄懂,搞明白
[+ question word] We still don't fully understand how the brain works.我们还未完全弄懂大脑是如何工作的。
intransitive or transitive
■to know how someone feels or why they behave in a particular way 理解;体谅
My wife doesn't understand me.我太太不理解我。
Sometimes I don't understand James.有时候我搞不懂詹姆斯。
[+ question word] You don't understand wh at it's like/ how it feels to have to beg on the streets.你不了解出于无奈才上街乞讨是甚么样子/是甚么样的感觉。
understand sb to mean sth
■to think, especially wrongly, that someone means a particular thing (尤指错误地)把(某人)的意思理解为…
When he said 3 o'clock, I understood him to mean in the afternoon.他说三点钟时,我误解为是下午。
understand one another/each other
■When two people understand one another, they both know what the other means and wants and they have an agreement 彼此理解
Both sides must try to understand one another, to recognise each others' rights, feelings and beliefs.双方都应尽量相互理解,认可彼此的权利、情感和信仰。
UK [ˌʌn.də'stænd] US [-dɚ-] (understood, understood)
 ESSENTIAL  transitive formal
■to know or realise something because you have been told it 得知,获悉,听说
[+ (that)] I understand (that) you are interested in borrowing some money from us.我听说你想从我们这里借些钱。
[+ that] The Director had given her to understand (= told her) that she would be promoted.主任跟她说她将会得到提拔。
[+ obj + to infinitive] A secret buyer is understood to have paid £1 million for the three pictures (= there is unofficial news that this has happened).据说,有一位不愿透露姓名的买家花了100万英镑买走了那三幅画。
intransitive or transitive formal
■used when making certain that someone knows what you mean and that they will do as you want (用于询问他人是否明白自己所表达的意思并按要求去做)明白
I don't want you to see that boy again. Understand?/Do you understand?/Is that understood?我不想你再和那个男孩见面,明白吗?
it is understood formal
■used to refer to something such as a rule that everyone knows and accepts 众所周知
In the library it is understood that loud talking is not permissible.众所周知,图书馆里禁止大声喧哗。
UK [ˌʌn.də'stænd] US [-dɚ-] (understood, understood)
make yourself understood
■to communicate effectively 把自己的意思表达清楚
Since they spoke only Swahili, we used signs and gestures to make ourselves understood.因为他们只会说斯瓦希里语,因此我们就借助动作和手势让对方明白我们的意思。




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