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单词 array
释义 array
[ə'reɪ] noun countable usually singular
■a large group of things or people, especially one which is attractive or causes admiration and often one which has been positioned in a particular way (尤指非常有吸引力、令人赞赏并常以特定的方式排列的)一系列,一批,大量,大群
There was a splendid array of food on the table.满桌子都是美味佳肴。
They sat before an array of microphones and cameras.他们坐在那里,面对着无数的麦克风和摄影机镜头。
[ə'reɪ] verb transitive usually passive
■to arrange a group of things in a particular way 布置;排列
A large number of magazines were arrayed on the stand.报摊上摆放着很多杂志。
Arrayed (= Standing in a group) before him were 40 schoolchildren in purple and green.40名身穿紫绿两色校服的小学生列队站在他面前。
■to arrange a group of soldiers in a position for fighting 配置(兵力)




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