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单词 acceptance
释义 acceptance
[ək'sep.tənts] noun uncountable
■general agreement that something is satisfactory or right, or that someone should be included in a group 认可,接纳
The idea rapidly gained acceptance (= became approved of) in political circles.这个想法很快就得到了政界的认同。
The party marked his acceptance into the community.这次聚会意味着社团已接纳他为成员。
■the act of agreeing to an offer, plan or invitation 接受(提议、计划或邀请)
Her acceptance of the award was very controversial.她接受该奖项引发了很大的争议。
an acceptance speech接受提名(或奖项)的演讲
■accepting a difficult or unpleasant situation 容忍
His attitude to his children's behaviour is one of resigned acceptance.他对自己孩子的行为抱着能忍则忍的态度。




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