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单词 stupid
释义 stupid
UK ['stju:.pɪd] US ['stu:-] adjective
■silly or unwise; showing poor judgment or little intelligence 愚蠢的;糊涂的;欠考虑的
She was really stupid to quit her job like that.她就那样辞掉了工作,简直是愚蠢透顶。
Whose stupid idea was it to travel at night?晚上赶路是谁的馊主意?
He now thinks that retiring early was a stupid thing to do.他现在认为提早退休是件愚蠢的事。
How could you be so stupid?你怎么会这么傻?
 ESSENTIAL  informal
■annoying, or causing a problem 讨厌的;恼人的;惹麻烦的
Have your stupid book back if it's so important to you.要是这本该死的破书对你那么重要的话,把它拿回去吧。
I hate doing this stupid exercise, I just can't get it right.我讨厌做这种烦人的练习,我就是做不对。




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