slur UK [slɜ:r] US [slɝ:] verb transitive (-rr-) PRONOUNCE BADLY 发音糟糕 ■to pronounce the sounds of a word in a way which is not clear, uncontrolled or wrong 含糊地说,口齿不清地说•Her speech was slurred but she still denied she was drunk.她口齿都不清楚了,但还不承认自己喝醉了。 UK [slɜ:r] US [slɝ:] verb transitive (-rr-) MUSIC 音乐 ■to sing or play notes in a smooth and connected manner 连唱;连奏 UK [slɜ:r] US [slɝ:] verb transitive (-rr-) CRITICIZE 批评 ■to harm someone's reputation by criticizing them 诽谤(指责某人而损害其名誉)•The report slurs both the teachers and pupils.该报道诋毁了教师和学生。 UK [slɜ:r] US [slɝ:] noun CRITICISM 批评 countable ■a remark that criticizes someone which is likely to have a harmful effect on their reputation 诋毁,诽谤•Her letter contained several outrageous slurs against/on her former colleagues.她信里有好几处内容在肆意诋毁以前同事。 •His comments cast a slur on the integrity of his employees.他的评论是对其员工正直品格的诋毁。 UK [slɜ:r] US [slɝ:] noun BAD PRONUNCIATION 糟糕发音 only singular ■when you pronounce the sounds of a word in a way which is not clear, uncontrolled or wrong 含糊发音,不清楚地发音•The drug affected her vision and made her speak with a slur.药物影响了她的视力,使她的口齿也不清楚了。 UK [slɜ:r] US [slɝ:] noun MUSIC 音乐 countable ■a curved line written over or under musical notes to show that they must be played in a smooth and connected manner (乐谱上的)连奏线,连唱线 ; 连音符 |