fuzzy ['fʌz.i] adjective NOT CLEAR 模糊不清的 ■(of an image) having shapes that do not have clear edges, or (of a sound, especially from a television, radio, etc.) not clear, usually because of other unwanted noises making it difficult to hear (图像)模糊不清的;(声音)杂乱的,有干扰的•Is the picture always fuzzy on your TV?你的电视一直这么不清楚吗? •You can pick up a lot of stations on the car radio but the sound is usually a bit fuzzy.汽车上的收音机可以收到一大堆电台,但声音通常都会有些干扰。 ■informal ■not clear 模糊不清的;不清楚的•The basic facts of the story are starting to emerge though the details are still fuzzy.虽然一些细节仍然并不清晰,但事情的基本事实已经浮出水面了。 •My head's a bit fuzzy (= I cannot think clearly) this morning after all that wine last night.昨天晚上喝了那么多酒,今天早晨我有些不清醒。 ['fʌz.i] adjective HAIR/FUR 毛发/毛 informal ■(of hair) in an untidy mass of tight curls (毛发)零乱的,紧鬈的•Oh no, it's raining - my hair will go all fuzzy.噢,不会吧,下雨了——我的头发会变得乱蓬蓬的。 ■informal ■describes a surface that feels like short fur 毛茸茸的•the fuzzy skin of a peach桃子毛茸茸的表皮 |