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单词 slippery
释义 slippery
UK ['slɪp.ər.i] US [-ɚ-] adjective
■wet, smooth or oily so that it slides easily or causes something to slide 湿滑的,容易打滑的
slippery soap湿滑的肥皂
a slippery floor湿滑的地板
The road was wet and slippery.道路又湿又滑。
■informal disapproving
■Someone who is slippery cannot be trusted 狡猾的,滑头的
He's as slippery as an eel - you can never get a straight answer out of him.他非常狡猾——你永远无法从他嘴里得到直率的回答。
He's a slippery customer (= person) , that Tim, I've never felt comfortable with him.那个蒂姆是个狡猾的家伙,和他在一起我总是感到不舒服。




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