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单词 scientific
释义 scientific
[ˌsaɪən'tɪf.ɪk] adjective
■relating to science, or using the organized methods of science 科学的;应用科学方法的
a scientific discovery/experiment/theory科学发现/实验/理论
scientific evidence/research科学证据/研究
The project has attracted considerable criticism from the scientific community (= from scientists).这个企划案招致科学界广泛的批评。
■careful and using a system or method 审慎而系统化的
We will have to adopt a more scientific approach in the future.我们将来得采用更审慎而有系统的方法。
I try to arrange things in some kind of a system, but I'm not very scientific about it.我尽量把事情安排得有系统一点,但不是非常精准。




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