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单词 science
释义 science
[saɪənts] noun
 ESSENTIAL  uncountable
■(knowledge from) the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical world, especially by watching, measuring and doing experiments , and the development of theories to describe the results of these activities 科学;自然科学;科学知识
pure/applied science纯/应用科学
recent developments in science and technology科学技术的最新发展
Space travel is one of the marvels/wonders of modern science.太空漫游是现代科学的一大奇迹。
 ESSENTIAL  countable or uncountable
■a particular subject that is studied using scientific methods 理科学科
physical sciences物理学
Economics is not an exact science.经济学并不是一门精密科学。
advances in medical science医学的发展
 ESSENTIAL  uncountable
■the study of science 理科研究
a science graduate/teacher理科研究生/教师
a science course/lesson理科课程/课




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