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单词 sheet
释义 sheet
[ʃi:t] noun countable
■a large thin flat especially rectangular piece of something, especially a piece of cloth used for sleeping on (尤指长方形的)大薄片;(尤指)床单
I've put clean sheets on the bed.我已经给床铺上了干净的床单。
a sheet of glass一片玻璃
They fixed a polythene/plastic sheet over the broken window.他们在破损的窗户上补上了一块聚乙烯/塑胶纸。
■a piece of paper 一张纸
some sheets of wrapping paper几张包装纸
The application form was a single sheet of paper.申请表是单张纸的。
■a piece of paper with something printed on it 一张印有字的纸
The tourist office provides a weekly information sheet about things that are happening in the town.旅游局每周提供一份有关本市新闻的印刷品。
sheet of sth
■a large wide mass of something such as fire or ice 一大片;一大团
A sheet of flame shot up into the air immediately after the explosion.爆炸之后,紧接着腾起一片烈焰。
A thick sheet of ice had formed over the water.水面上结了厚厚的一层冰。
sheets [plural]
■a large quantity of rain 大量(雨或冰雹)
The rain was coming down in sheets.大雨如注。
[ʃi:t] verb informal
be sheeting
■to be raining very hard 大雨滂沱
We can't go out yet, it's sheeting down outside.我们还不能出去,外面正下着倾盆大雨。
The rain was sheeting against the windows.雨水泼打着窗户。




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