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单词 salvage
释义 salvage
['sæl.vɪdʒ] verb transitive
■to save goods from damage or destruction, especially from a ship that has sunk or been damaged or a building that has been damaged by fire or a flood (尤指从失事船只、火灾或水灾中)抢救,打捞
gold coins salvaged from a shipwreck从船只残骸中打捞出的金币
After the fire, there wasn't much furniture left worth salvaging.火灾之后,没有剩下多少值得抢救的家俱。
■to try to make a bad situation better 挽救,挽回
It was a desperate attempt to salvage the situation.挽回这种局面的希望渺茫。
After the fraud scandal he had to make great efforts to salvage his reputation.诈骗丑闻传出后,他不得不极力挽回自己的声誉。




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