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单词 lookout
释义 lookout
['lʊk.aʊt] noun countable
■a person who watches for danger 放哨者,望风者
■a high place where a person can look at what is happening in the area around them, especially in order to watch for any danger (尤指防备危险的)了望塔,了望台
be on the lookout for sth/sb
■to search for something or someone 寻找,查找,搜索
I'm always on the lookout for interesting new recipes.我总是热衷于寻找新的有意思的食谱。
keep a lookout for sth/sb
■to continue to watch carefully for something or someone, especially in order to avoid danger (尤指为防备危险而)继续密切注意,继续关注
Keep a lookout for small objects that a baby might swallow.注意不要让婴儿吞食小东西。
['lʊk.aʊt] noun countable
it's your own lookout UK informal
■said to someone in order to tell them that they are responsible for their own problems 是你自己的责任,都怪你自己
It's your own lookout if you're not properly insured.没有适当投保是你自己的责任。




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