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单词 sale
释义 sale
[seɪl] noun
 ESSENTIAL  countable or uncountable
■an act of exchanging something for money 卖,出售,销售
The sale of cigarettes/alcohol is forbidden.禁止出售香烟/酒。
The building company get 10% commission on each house sale.建筑公司每卖出一栋房子能获得10%的佣金。
I haven't made a sale all morning.我一个上午甚么都没卖出去。
They'll drop the price rather than lose the sale.他们将下调价格而不是停止销售。
for sale
■available to buy 待售,出售中
Is this painting for sale?这幅画有出售吗?
Our neighbours put their house up for sale (= started to advertise that they want to sell it) last week.我们的邻居上周开始登广告出售他们的房子。
sales uncountable [+ sing/pl verb]
■the department of a company that organizes and does the selling of the company's products or services (公司的)销售部门; 门市部
He works in Sales.他在销售部门工作。
the sales department/manager销售部/销售部经理
sales [plural]
■the number of products sold 销售量
Sales this year exceeded the total for the two previous years.今年的销售量超过了前两年销售量的总和。
⇒ See also telesales
■an occasion when things are sold, especially by an organization such as a school or church, in order to make money for the organization (尤指学校或教会等为自筹资金而进行的)义卖活动
a charity/Christmas/book sale慈善/圣诞节/图书义卖
■an auction (= public sale) 公开拍卖
a sale of antique furniture古董家俱拍卖
a cattle sale家畜拍卖
on sale UK
■available to buy in a shop 上市,正在销售
On sale at record stores now.唱片行目前均有经售。
sale or return
■a system by which goods are supplied to shops and can be returned if they are not sold within a particular period of time 剩货包退,可退货销售
We can supply goods on a sale or return basis.我们可以依照剩货包退的条件供货。
  Common Learner Errors   sale or sell?Warning: do not confuse the noun sale with the verb sell :
The shop sales items made by local artists.The shop sells items made by local artists.
  Common Learner Errors   sale or sales?Remember: to talk about the number of items sold, use the plural noun sales.
The strike had a negative effect on this year's sale.The strike had a negative effect on this year's sales.
[seɪl] noun
■an occasion when goods are sold at a lower price than usual 廉价出售,降价销售
a mid-season/end-of-season sale季中/季末大特价
a clearance/closing-down sale清仓/歇业大拍卖
I bought this in the January sales.这是我在一月大减价时买的。
sale goods/prices特价商品/促销价
on sale mainly US (UK usually in the sale)
■reduced in price 减价的,降价出售的
Can you tell me if this dress is in the sale?你能告诉我这条裙子有特价吗?




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