distance ['dɪs.tənts] noun SPACE 空间 ESSENTIAL countable or uncountable ■the amount of space between two places 距离,路程•What's the distance between Madrid and Barcelona/ from Madrid to Barcelona?马德里和巴赛隆那相距有多远? •He travels quite a distance (= a long way) to work every day.他每天上班的路途很远。 •Does she live within walking distance of her parents?从她的住处到父母家可以走着去吗? at/from a distance ■from a place that is not near 从远处,自远处•From a distance he looks a bit like James Bond.从远处看他有点儿像詹姆斯·庞德。 in the distance ■at a point which is far away 在远处•On a clear day you can see the temple in the distance.在晴朗的日子里,远处的庙宇清晰可见。 ['dɪs.tənts] noun MANNER 方式 [S or U] ■behaviour that shows little interest or friendliness 冷漠的行为,疏远•I noticed a certain distance between father and son.我注意到父子之间有些疏远。 ['dɪs.tənts] noun go the distance ■to manage to continue until the end of a competition 坚持到比赛结束 ['dɪs.tənts] noun keep your distance ■to avoid going near someone or something, or to avoid getting too friendly with people 保持距离•I've tried being friendly but she keeps her distance.我一直努力向她示好,但她却一直与我保持着距离。 ['dɪs.tənts] verb Phrasal Verbs [R] distance yourself from sth ■to become or seem less involved or connected with something 疏远与…的距离,不接近•The leader has recently distanced himself from the extremists in the party.该领导人最近疏远了与党内极端主义分子的关系。 |