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单词 revenge
释义 revenge
[rɪ'vendʒ] noun uncountable
■harm done to someone as a punishment for harm that they have done to someone else 报复;报仇
She took/got/exacted (her) revenge on him for leaving her by smashing up his car.他抛弃了她,她就砸烂了他的车来报复。
He is believed to have been shot by a rival gang in revenge for the shootings last week.据信,敌对帮派为了报复上周的枪击事件将他枪杀。
[rɪ'vendʒ] noun uncountable
Revenge is sweet. saying
■said when you feel satisfaction from harming someone who has harmed you 报仇雪恨,大快人心。
[rɪ'vendʒ] verb transitive
■to harm someone as a punishment for harm that they have done to you 报复;向…报仇
to revenge a death/defeat/injustice为一个人的死报仇/雪失败之耻/伸张正义
[R] The red team revenged them selves on the blue team by winning the semi-final.红队在半决赛中打败蓝队,报了一箭之仇。




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