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单词 repertory
释义 repertory
UK ['rep.ə.tər.i] US [-ɚ.tɔ:r-] (informal rep)
noun uncountable
■the repeated performance of several plays one after the other by one company of actors (演员阵容固定的)保留剧目轮演
a repertory company/group/theatre轮演剧目演出剧团/剧组/剧院
in repertory
■If a play is in repertory, it is one of several different plays being performed on particular days by the same company of actors (节目)轮演的;属于轮演节目的;在保留节目之中
'Macbeth' is in repertory at the RSC.《马克白》是皇家莎士比亚剧团的保留剧目之一。
■If an actor is in repertory, they are working with a repertory theatre group. (演员)参加节目轮演的,轮演剧码演出剧团的




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