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单词 remit
释义 remit
verb transitive /rɪˈmɪt/
REDUCE 减少 UK legal
■to reduce a period of time that someone must spend in prison 减刑;减少服刑时间
She has had part of her sentence remitted.她被减了刑。
His prison sentence was remitted to two years.他的刑期被缩减至两年。
verb transitive /rɪˈmɪt/
SEND 寄 formal
■to send money to someone 汇(款);汇寄;汇付
He worked as a builder in Chicago and remitted half his monthly wage to his family in the Philippines.他在芝加哥做建筑工,把每月工资的一半寄回在菲律宾的家。
■to refer a matter to someone in authority to deal with 将…提交(权力部门进行处理)
She remitted the case to a new tribunal for reconsideration.她将这一案件提交给一个新的特别法庭重新审议。
noun countable usually singular /ˈriː.mɪt/
■the area which a person or group of people in authority has responsibility for or control over 职权范围;控制范围;许可权
The remit of this official inquiry is to investigate the reasons for the accident.这次官方调查旨在查清事故发生原因。




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