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单词 recipe
释义 recipe
['res.ɪ.pi] noun countable
■a set of instructions telling you how to prepare and cook food, including a list of what food is needed for this 食谱;烹饪法
For real South Asian food, just follow these recipes.要做地道的印度饭菜,只需遵照这些食谱即可。
Do you know a good recipe for wholemeal bread?你知不知道怎样做很棒的全麦面包?
['res.ɪ.pi] noun countable
be a recipe for disaster/trouble/success, etc.
■to be very likely to become a disaster/success, etc 是灾难的祸因/麻烦的源头/成功的诀窍等
All those children unsupervised sounds to me like a recipe for disaster.那些孩子全都没人看管,在我听来这会出大乱子。




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