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单词 promise
释义 promise
UK ['prɒm.ɪs] US ['prɑ:.mɪs] verb
 ESSENTIAL  intransitive or transitive
■to tell someone that you will certainly do something 允诺,答应;保证
[+ to infinitive] He promised faithfully to call me every week.他信誓旦旦地保证每周都打电话给我。
[+ that] The government have promised that they'll reduce taxes.政府已承诺要减税。
[+ (that)] Promise me (that) you won't tell him.答应我你不会告诉他。
I'll have a look for some while I'm at the shops but I'm not promising anything.我逛街的时候找找,但不敢保证能买到。
Can I have that book back when you've finished because I've promised it (= I have said I will give it) to Sara.那本书你看完后能还给我吗,因为我答应莎拉要给她了。
[+ two objects] Her parents promised her a new car if she passed her exams.她父母答应如果她通过考试就送她一辆新车。
I've promised myself a long bath when I get through all this work.做完所有这些工作后我要好好洗个澡。
[+ speech] "I'll come round and see you every day, " she promised.“我会每天来看你的。”她保证道。
"I won't do anything dangerous." "You promise?" "I promise."“我不会做任何危险的事。”“你保证?”“我保证。”
"I won't have time to take you shopping this afternoon." "But you promised!"“今天下午我没时间带你去购物了。”“但你答应过的!”
UK ['prɒm.ɪs] US ['prɑ:.mɪs] verb
promise to be good/exciting, etc.
■to be expected to be good/exciting, etc 预计会很好/刺激等
It promises to be a really exciting match.预计这会是一场非常精彩的比赛。
UK ['prɒm.ɪs] US ['prɑ:.mɪs] verb
promise sb the Earth/moon informal
■to say that you will do much greater things than you will ever be able to achieve 向(某人)作无法兑现的承诺
Like most governments in their first term of office, they promised the Earth.像大多数处于第一个任期内的政府一样,他们也作了无法兑现的承诺。
UK ['prɒm.ɪs] US ['prɑ:.mɪs] noun
 ESSENTIAL  countable
■when you say that you will certainly do something 允诺;诺言;保证
I'll tidy my things away tonight - and that's a promise!今晚我要把我所有的东西都收拾好——说到做到!
I'll try to get back in time, but I'm not making any promises.我会尽量及时回来,但我不能保证。
keep/break a promise
■to do/not do what you said that you would do 遵守/违背诺言
If I make a promise, I like to keep it.如果我作出了承诺,我会遵守的。
UK ['prɒm.ɪs] US ['prɑ:.mɪs] noun
■when someone or something is likely to develop successfully and people expect this to happen (成功的)迹象,征兆;(有)出息,(有)前途
His English teacher had written on his report that he showed great promise.英语老师在他的成绩单中写说他前景看好。
As a child I was quite a good dancer, but I didn't fulfil my early promise.我小时候舞跳得相当好,但我并没有成为舞蹈家。
UK ['prɒm.ɪs] US ['prɑ:.mɪs] noun
Promises, promises! informal
■something that you say when someone says they will do something and you do not believe them 保证,又是保证!(用于表达不相信对方的承诺)
"When I've got some time I'll show you everything." "Promises, promises!"“有时间的话我保证把全部都拿给你看。”“保证,又是保证!”




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