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单词 different
释义 different
UK ['dɪf.ər.ənt] US [-ɚ-] adjective
■not the same 不同的,不一样的,有差别的
She seems to wear something different every day.她似乎每天都穿不一样的衣服。
He's different now that he's been to college.他现在上了大学,与以前不一样了。
We're reading a different book this week.这周我们在读另一本书。
Emily is very/completely/entirely different from her sister.艾蜜莉与她姐姐截然不同。
Emily and her sister are quite (= completely) different.艾蜜莉和她姐姐完全不同。
There are many different types/kinds of bacteria.细菌有很多不同的种类。
■describes something or someone you think is unusual or shows bad judgment 不同寻常的,另类的;品位差的
What do I think of your purple shoes? Well, they're certainly different.我觉得你那双紫色鞋子怎么样?当然很另类啦。
UK ['dɪf.ər.ənt] US [-ɚ-] adjective
  Common Learner Errors   differentWarning: Check your spelling!Different is one of the 50 words most often spelled wrongly by learners.
UK ['dɪf.ər.ənt] US [-ɚ-] adjective
  Common Learner Errors   different or difference?Warning: do not confuse the adjective different with the noun difference :
Children need to learn the different between right and wrong.Children need to learn the difference between right and wrong.
UK ['dɪf.ər.ənt] US [-ɚ-] adjective
  Common Learner Errors   differentWarning: when using different to refer to more than one thing, remember to use the plural form of the noun.
The students all come from different country.The students all come from different countries.Remember: say 'a different kind of something', but many different kinds of something(s).




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