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单词 program
释义 program
UK ['prəʊ.græm] US ['proʊ-] noun countable
■a series of instructions which can be put into a computer in order to make it perform an operation (电脑)程式;编码指令
a computer program电脑程式
She's written a program to find words which frequently occur together.她设计了一个程式以便找到经常一起出现的词语。
 ESSENTIAL  Australian English usually and US * a programme
UK ['prəʊ.græm] US ['proʊ-] verb transitive (-mm-)
■to write a series of instructions which make a computer perform a particular operation 为(电脑)程式设计;编制…的程式
[+ to infinitive] She programmed the computer to calculate the rate of exchange in twelve currencies.她为电脑编制了一套计算12种货币之间兑换率的程式。




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