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单词 professional
释义 professional
[prə'feʃ.ən.əl] adjective
■related to work that needs special training or education 职业的;专业的
Chris, you're a nurse, so can I ask your professional opinion on bandaging ankles?克丽丝,你是个护士,能否征求一下你对踝部包扎的意见?
Both doctors have been charged with professional misconduct (= bad or unacceptable behaviour in their work).这两位医生都被控渎职。
Compare amateur
 IMPROVER  approving
■having the qualities that you connect with trained and skilled people, such as effectiveness, skill, organization and seriousness of manner 非常内行的;极为称职的
It would look more professional if the letter was typed.这封信如果列印出来的话看起来会更正式些。
She always looks very professional in her smart suits.她穿上漂亮的套装总是显得很专业。
You've done a very professional job stripping that floor!你地板拆得非常专业!
■describes someone who does a job that people usually do as a hobby 把(别人通常作为爱好的活动)作为职业的
She's a professional dancer/photographer.她是一位职业舞者/摄影师。
He's a runner who's just turned professional. (= His running used to be a hobby, but now it is his job.)他是一位刚刚转为职业运动员的赛跑选手。
■having the type of job that is respected because it involves a high level of education and training 专业人士的;为专业人士的
Room for rent in shared house - would suit professional person.出租合住房间——适合专业人士。
a bar full of young professional types in suits挤满了身穿套装的年轻专业人士的酒吧
[prə'feʃ.ən.əl] noun countable
■a person who has the type of job that needs a high level of education and training 专业人员
health professionals医疗保健方面的专业人员
Compare amateur informal
■someone who has worked hard in the same type of job for a long time and has become skilled at dealing with any problem that might happen 内行,专家
I thought the whole meeting was going to fall apart but you rescued it like a true professional!我原以为整个会议要开不下去了,但你就像个真正的行家那样挽救了局面!
the consummate professional技艺高超的专家
■a person who does a job that people usually do as a hobby 把(别人通常作为爱好的活动)作为职业的人
He's only been playing football as a professional for two years.他成为职业足球选手只有两年的时间。
■a sportsperson, especially a golf or tennis player, who is employed by a club to train its members in a particular sport (受雇于高尔夫或网球协会的)职业教练




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