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单词 villain
释义 villain
['vɪl.ən] noun
■a bad person who harms other people or breaks the law 流氓;恶棍
Some people believe that Richard III did not murder his nephews and was not the villain he is generally thought to have been.有些人认为理查三世没有谋杀自己的侄子们,而且也不是通常人们认为的恶棍。
He's either a hero or a villain, depending on your point of view.他要么是英雄,要么是恶棍,这取决于你如何看了。
countable UK informal
■a criminal 罪犯
Bert's just a small-time villain.伯特只是个小流氓。
■a character in a book, play, film, etc. who harms other people 反面人物;反派角色
He made his reputation as an actor playing villains.他靠演反派角色而出了名。
countable usually singular informal
■something or someone considered harmful or dangerous 首要危险;祸首
We've always been told that cholesterol, in foods like eggs, was a major cause of heart disease but, actually, saturated fat is the worst villain.我们一直被告知鸡蛋等食物中所含的胆固醇是导致心脏病的主要原因,可实际上饱和脂肪才是罪魁祸首。
['vɪl.ən] noun
villain of the piece informal
■The villain of the piece is someone or something which is seen as being the cause of trouble on a particular occasion. 首恶;祸首
When the minister was forced to resign, the press was generally seen as the villain of the piece.那位部长被迫辞职,人们普遍认为新闻界是罪魁祸首。




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