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单词 probate
释义 probate
UK ['prəʊ.beɪt] US ['proʊ-] noun uncountable legal
■the legal process of deciding whether or not a person's will has been made correctly and that the information it contains is correct 遗嘱检验;遗嘱认证
Before probate can be granted , all business assets have to be identified and valued.在遗嘱认证得到承认之前,所有的企业资产都必须进行鉴定并估价。
Australian legal * death duty
UK ['prəʊ.beɪt] US ['proʊ-] verb transitive US legal
■to prove that a person's will has been made correctly and that the information it contains is correct 验证(遗嘱)的合法性




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